Wednesday, August 19, 2009


I got this quote by Francis Schaeffer from who knows where. The source is long lost to me. But it appeared on a blog and I saved it having lost the place of origon. It speaks to a very big problem between christians especially in the blog world it seems to me. May it be that..."though he be dead yet he speaketh."]

The final paragraph is the thought of that long lost blogger. Bless him. He nailed it. [Highlighted emphasis mine.]

"Not all differences amongst Christians are equal. There are some that are very minor. Others are overwhelmingly important.The more serious the wrongness, the more important it is to exhibit the holiness of God, to speak out concerning what is wrong.

At the same time, the more serious the differences become, the more important it is that we look to the Holy Spirit to enable us to show love to the true Christians with whom we must differ. If it is only a minor difference, showing love does not take much conscious consideration. But where the difference becomes really important, it becomes proportionately more important to speak for God's holiness. And it becomes increasingly important to show the world that we love each other.

Humanly we function in exactly the opposite direction: in the less important differences we show more love toward true Christians, but as the difference gets into more important areas, we tend to show less love.

The reverse must be the case. As the differences amongst true Christians get greater, we must consciously love and show a love which has some manifestation the world may see."

Francis Schaeffer

So let us consider this: is my difference with my brother in Christ really crucially important? If so, it is doubly important that I spend time upon my knees asking the Holy Spirit to do his work through me and my group, that I and we might show love even in this larger difference that we have come to with a brother in Christ or with another group of true Christians......Unknown Blogger

Paul B.


Bob Cleveland said...

Wow. Thanks.

Perhaps it is, were we to simply follow Christs's new command, to simply love each other as Christ has loved us, we wouldn't need any special effort to overcome the magnitude of those differences.

Just think of the differences Jesus overlooks in loving us.

Aussie John said...


Couldn't help but think of Hebrews 12:2.

What can we expect when folk are keeping their focus of attention on an authority other than The Shepherd?

So much weight is given to what was, or is, written or spoken by the instigators of systematic theologies, reformers, Puritans, pastors, commentators, etc., or the prolific authors who seem to be motivating so much foment today.

Sadly, amongst all this there doesn't seem to be many Bereans.
Solomon was right when he wrote in Ecclesiastes 12:12 And further, by these, my son, be warned: "The making of many books has no end, and much study is a weariness of the flesh."

Chris Ryan said...

Ben Witherington wrote an entire book along these lines (The Scandle of Evangelical Theology). The more "important" the difference, the less likely any side is on the firmest of exegetical grounds. So if our differences are over the things which we, really, can be least sure of, how can we not respond with prayer and love? The premise made sense to me.

shallowfrozenwater said...

thanks for the post and thanks to the other guys for their comments too.

Paul Burleson said...


I agree with shallowfrozenwater. {What an interesting Internet name.] Thanks to all of you is due.

I don't like putting up a post and disappearing but I've done just that for the past couple of days. We have spent those two days putting in an entire new heating and air conditioning unit in our home.

Needless to say it has been a zoo around here and thoughts of sitting down, relaxing, commenting on blogs, enjoying a good conversation or any other normal sane activity have been thoughts FAR from my mind.

But I'm sitting here in the quiet and cool early morning actually wishing to think of something profitable to say. I'll let it go with just this...Shallowfrozenwater, I think this is your first time to comment and I appreciate you stopping by. Do so often AND, at you leisure, there has to be something about chooing that particular name for blogs. I'm interested.

Paul Burleson said...

Make that..."choosing." :)

Bobby Brown said...

5 Now may the God who gives perseverance and encouragement grant you to be of the same mind with one another according to Christ Jesus,

6 so that with one accord you may with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ