Saturday, October 06, 2012


Six years ago I started blogging. Nearly 500 posts later, with comments from 10 nations, I continue doing it. Someone may ask why a blog?

My answer back then, and still is, so I can address issues both theological and ministerial in a conversational way. I will, of course, be giving my view on the issues and will do so with the knowledge that my grasp of truth is finite and growing. I trust the Spirit to give understanding, as all Christians do, and am confident He does and will.

 My confidence in my ability to hear Him and to grasp the Truth, however, is not as strong. I've lived with the power of flesh and self too long to have much confidence there. But I will attempt to be open, honest, and careful in what I post so at least you will know where I stand.

I do, however, believe strongly that our ground of unity as believers is not found in agreement on issues or even in agreement on the nuances of "minor doctrine". I'm using the word "minor" here not meaning "unimportant" but unrelated to the essentials of salvation/eternity which are the majors in my way of thinking .

The basis of our unity one with another as Christians, which by the way we are never told to create but to maintain, is that the Spirit HAS ALREADY CREATED OUR UNITY, and that is on the basis of Christ alone and His work on the Cross, as Paul said to the Corinthians in the first three chapters of the First Corinthian letter.

If someone says Christ was human only and not the divine Son of God who died on the Cross for us, that person is not my brother. I will love them and share my life with them, but they are in need of the gospel. My brothers/sisters are those who name Jesus as Lord. And although we may be as different as daylight and dark in our understanding of some minor doctrines, our association with various denominations, our having differing views on some issues and our embracing of a multitude of various methods in mission and evangelism, we are still in unity as brothers and sisters in Christ.

So we are brothers/sisters because of who Christ is to us and our acceptance of what He accomplished on the Cross and the empty tomb. This obviously presupposes a confidence in the integrity of the Scriptures as they are the divinely inspired record of who He is and what He has accomplished.

This blog will address those issues, differences, and nuances, but as a brother in Christ. I will be doing what many others have been doing and some quite successfully. I only hope I can help lead the way in being gracious and kind to those who differ on issues and other things written about. For this to happen my goal will NOT be one of being right, but being honest and at the same time respectful, in other words, Christian. Then, perhaps, this little personal word on this particular blog, will be a help to many and an enjoyment to some.

Paul Burleson


Rex Ray said...

Well said.

I’d like to think I do the same but probably I’m short.

Aussie John said...


These words are such a joy to me. You express my own sense of where I have come to stand.

On the other hand,they remind me of the shame I often feel, when I remember the denominational/ traditional partisanship I was taught, and once practiced.

"The basis of our unity one with another as Christians, which by the way we are never told to create but to maintain, is that the Spirit HAS ALREADY CREATED OUR UNITY, and that is on the basis of Christ alone and His work on the Cross,"

To hold to any other view is to deny the efficacy and finished nature of the life and work of Jesus Christ.

The position you express, in my opinion at least, is that which is revealed clearly in the New Testament.

Thank you!

Paul Burleson said...


Thank you Rex, and we're all short but it is our objective isn't it!

Aussie J,

Thank you my friend and brother.