As promised here is what I suppose is a "self portrait" of the author whose comment I used a couple of posts ago. It was the picture on his blog. I'm assuming he walked a mile for that camel. :)
Paul, Anyone that’d walk a mile for a camel didn’t heed the wisdom of my father giving the definition of a cigarette – ‘A fire on one end and a fool on the other’.
As small kids, anytime we saw a cigarette butt; we were taught to stomp it and say, “Dirty old cigarette!”
I guess it paid off as I’ve never smoked one in my life.
I noticed through 14 trips, application for volunteer mission work questions got stricter as legalists flexed their mussels. One was: “I will not smoke during the trip – yes or no?” I didn’t like the implication that everyone smoked.
So the guy’s name is James Holston? That cigarette is probably why he didn’t ask Google what Archimedes said. :)
I remember the definition AND the applications you mentioned. I had the same thought.
Plus, I noticed I DIDN'T have to promise to love the people I was going to minister to or promise to NOT lie to them. I always wondered whether the powers that were..were more concerned with what smoking a cigarette would do to my testimony [or drinking a glass of wine since I was required to sign a promise to not do that either while on the mission trip.] more than they were concerned about my heart being loving and truthful.
Of course, they could have assumed I was loving and truthful because I was willing to go but needed to leave what they considered bad habits at home.
Anyway, the emphasis always seemed a bit odd to me. :)
All this talk about cigarettes reminds me of a church I preached a revival for while I was in college.
They said that I could only have a female music minister come along IF she showed the love and purity of Christ. I was furious. That meant that a male music minister could be a total heathen and would still have gotten more respect because of his gender. I agreed to go to that church only if my team would have a female music leader. We did. She did wonderfully.
My superiors said they would never put another team through what we had to endure at that church, again.
I appreciate your desire to stay on topic. But honestly, I'm not sure I gave a clear topic target with a picture like this so any question may be fair at this point. :)
I'm not sure what the electorate will do in the future as a result of Omamacare. [Assuming healthcare is the battle and re-election is the war.]
I have to say however, President Obama has done EXACTLEY what he campaigned on doing. One has to credit him with that whether one like the healthcare bill or not. [With the exception of a universal government payer desire which will eventually come IMHO.]
I have to say after rereading my last comment that transparency of process WAS lost and IS contrary to what was promised however.
I've now said all I intend to about healthcare at the present except that [speaking as an American citizen here] I DO have a desire that the poor be aided in a lot of ways yet to be established in this country.
IMO that must be done without taking away incentive for work and legitimate reward for labor and the right of private property AND [speaking as a Kingdom member here] the true Church stepping up to the plate as well.
[Oh political views will be as confusing to some as my theological views are so I'd best stick to the theological ones for now. But I do know my political views DO NOT define my Kingdom views at all. The Kingdom of God and the USA are totally different in my mind though I'm a citizen of both and the Kingdom trumps for me every time. ;)]
I have deleted your comment because of the use of political language I do not wish to have on my blog. And, if you would, I would appreciate us not going that particular direction at the present time.
I trust you will accept that this is NOT a personal rebuke but a desire to keep what is said here on a level that some political language will not allow.
Your language was NOT profane or off color in a traditional sense and I want all to know that fact. But it is political in a fashion I do not desire at present.
I know you may disagree with my assumption of the language and I respect that. But I am the one who decides for this blog.
I will ONLY say that I grew up in a WHITE neighborhood where the exact same thing could be/was said of the young people of that neighborhood and correctly so and that was years ago.
IMHO simply abbreviates "In My Humble Opinion."
Ron Dunn used to say it this way...IMHBAO...meaning..."In My Humble But Accurate Opinion."
I'm going to say it again. One final time. This blog is NOT for debating, arguing, or proving someone wrong. It IS for respectful and personal sharing of views without rancor. [Which is synonomous with ill-will, antagonism, or hostility.]
Eph. 4:29 says in it's last phrase..."Say only what helps, each word a gift." That is a higher standard than many other blogs have as far as I'm concerned. But it is mine for this one.
If anyone who comments here believes this to be too high a bar, I would suggest you cease commenting here altogether OR begin your own blog and set your own standard.
Anyone that’d walk a mile for a camel didn’t heed the wisdom of my father giving the definition of a cigarette – ‘A fire on one end and a fool on the other’.
As small kids, anytime we saw a cigarette butt; we were taught to stomp it and say, “Dirty old cigarette!”
I guess it paid off as I’ve never smoked one in my life.
I noticed through 14 trips, application for volunteer mission work questions got stricter as legalists flexed their mussels. One was: “I will not smoke during the trip – yes or no?” I didn’t like the implication that everyone smoked.
So the guy’s name is James Holston? That cigarette is probably why he didn’t ask Google what Archimedes said. :)
I remember the definition AND the applications you mentioned. I had the same thought.
Plus, I noticed I DIDN'T have to promise to love the people I was going to minister to or promise to NOT lie to them. I always wondered whether the powers that were..were more concerned with what smoking a cigarette would do to my testimony [or drinking a glass of wine since I was required to sign a promise to not do that either while on the mission trip.] more than they were concerned about my heart being loving and truthful.
Of course, they could have assumed I was loving and truthful because I was willing to go but needed to leave what they considered bad habits at home.
Anyway, the emphasis always seemed a bit odd to me. :)
All this talk about cigarettes reminds me of a church I preached a revival for while I was in college.
They said that I could only have a female music minister come along IF she showed the love and purity of Christ. I was furious. That meant that a male music minister could be a total heathen and would still have gotten more respect because of his gender. I agreed to go to that church only if my team would have a female music leader. We did. She did wonderfully.
My superiors said they would never put another team through what we had to endure at that church, again.
I think I preached a meeting at that very same church. ONCE. :)
I've never been a smoker, but give me the cigarettes any time :)
I'm sorry.
Off topic but as far as the ‘outcome’ for Atheists and Muslims is the same, maybe it is on topic.
Do you think Obama might have won the battle but lost the war?
I’m talking about all the states that are lining up for a lawsuit against the ‘health bill’.
In my opinion, it’s one small step for congress but one giant step for socialism. (Stolen from you know who.)
I was too.
Aussie J,
As usual..I'm with you.
I appreciate your desire to stay on topic. But honestly, I'm not sure I gave a clear topic target with a picture like this so any question may be fair at this point. :)
I'm not sure what the electorate will do in the future as a result of Omamacare. [Assuming healthcare is the battle and re-election is the war.]
I have to say however, President Obama has done EXACTLEY what he campaigned on doing. One has to credit him with that whether one like the healthcare bill or not. [With the exception of a universal government payer desire which will eventually come IMHO.]
I have to say after rereading my last comment that transparency of process WAS lost and IS contrary to what was promised however.
I've now said all I intend to about healthcare at the present except that [speaking as an American citizen here] I DO have a desire that the poor be aided in a lot of ways yet to be established in this country.
IMO that must be done without taking away incentive for work and legitimate reward for labor and the right of private property AND [speaking as a Kingdom member here] the true Church stepping up to the plate as well.
[Oh political views will be as confusing to some as my theological views are so I'd best stick to the theological ones for now. But I do know my political views DO NOT define my Kingdom views at all. The Kingdom of God and the USA are totally different in my mind though I'm a citizen of both and the Kingdom trumps for me every time. ;)]
I have deleted your comment because of the use of political language I do not wish to have on my blog. And, if you would, I would appreciate us not going that particular direction at the present time.
I trust you will accept that this is NOT a personal rebuke but a desire to keep what is said here on a level that some political language will not allow.
Your language was NOT profane or off color in a traditional sense and I want all to know that fact. But it is political in a fashion I do not desire at present.
I know you may disagree with my assumption of the language and I respect that. But I am the one who decides for this blog.
I will ONLY say that I grew up in a WHITE neighborhood where the exact same thing could be/was said of the young people of that neighborhood and correctly so and that was years ago.
IMHO simply abbreviates "In My Humble Opinion."
Ron Dunn used to say it this way...IMHBAO...meaning..."In My Humble But Accurate Opinion."
I'll stay with the first one. :)
I'm going to say it again. One final time. This blog is NOT for debating, arguing, or proving someone wrong. It IS for respectful and personal sharing of views without rancor. [Which is synonomous with ill-will, antagonism, or hostility.]
Eph. 4:29 says in it's last phrase..."Say only what helps, each word a gift." That is a higher standard than many other blogs have as far as I'm concerned. But it is mine for this one.
If anyone who comments here believes this to be too high a bar, I would suggest you cease commenting here altogether OR begin your own blog and set your own standard.
Thank you.
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