I've borrowed this from one of my very favorite pastors. I thought it worth a wide audience, including the few who may read my blog. Enjoy!
Twenty Characteristics of the Ideal Church
(1). The ideal church is full of people who believe the ministries of the church are important, but refuse to place church ministries on par with the kingdom of God, because...
(2). The ideal church believes Christ's reign in the hearts of His people is far more important than any and all church ministries.
(3). The ideal church has caring shepherds who empower gifted people to serve in the kingdom rather than church professionals who manipulate guilty people to give to the church.
(4). The ideal church resists the urge to spiritualize those things associated with the church because of the knowledge that Christ is King over the totality of life, which means...
(5). The ideal church believes the worship center is no more important than the workplace, the Sunday morning (or evening) corporate worship time is no more important than Tuesday morning (or evening) family time, and the ideal church knows that God is as pleased with His people away from the church meetings as He is with them in the church meetings.
(6). The ideal church has a budget that arises out a desire to advance the kingdom. Church leaders will refrain from threatening members who don't give to the church because there is a great trust that the Holy Spirit will always stir His people to give in order to adequately meet the needs of Christ's kingdom. If the church budget falls short, then a re-evaluation of whether or not kingdom work is actually being done in the church will take place.
(7). The ideal church has paid staff who see themselves as people who serve instead of professionals who are served.
(8). The ideal church will constantly ask the question, "Why are we doing what we are doing?"
(9). The ideal church will have worship services that are designed for worshippers to encounter God through singing to Him, learning of Him, resting in Him, and being empowered by Him. As a result, the ideal church will have members who learn by experience that corporate worship is nothing more than the overflow of one's personal worship, because...
(10). The ideal church understands the importance of reality over perception. People in an ideal church are more concerned with who they are rather than how they are perceived, and as a result...
(11). The ideal church is transparent in all its transactions, sincere in all its statements, and real in all its relationships.
(12). The ideal church is not afraid to change because change occurs for the purpose of the church being a better instrument to reach people for the kingdom.
(13). The ideal church will fellowship around the very limited essentials of the faith (the Person of Christ and salvation by grace through faith), and grant members freedom to hold and teach diverse views on secondary and tertiery doctrines.
(14). The ideal church is characterized by love for people--all kinds of people--and that love is seen in its emphasis on missions, mercy ministries, and the care and support of members in need.
(15). The ideal church has a well-written constitution that is kept up-to-date and followed closely in all business matters, but the church is known by those in the community for its grace and freedom.
(16). The ideal church will rejoice when other churches grow, and will hurt when other churches hurt, because the ideal church realizes that all believers, regardless of the church to which they belong, compose the kingdom of God and we are one family with Christ as our Head.
(17). The ideal church will have servants who lead others not because of their gender, socio-economic status, or race, but because the servant/leaders have been gifted and empowered by God to serve, anointed by the Spirit in their service, and have given evidence to the church of their love for people.
(18). The ideal church understands that sin is more about one's nature than it is one's actions; authority is more about one's gifted service than it is one's titular status, and truth is more about Christ in one's life than it is words in one's mind.
(19). The ideal church cares more about building relationships and seeing lives transformed than the number of people who are baptized; in other words, baptisms are not a number to be dutifully obtained except as an identification of lives truly changed.
(20). The ideal church doesn't desire to be like all other churches, but allows the Spirit of God to create a unique and effective personality that reflects who He is in the lives of His people in that local church. Cookie cutters may be good for baking, but they make for lousy churches.
Paul B.
You sure know how to bring a smile to my dial!
Seems like you and I belong to that
church. I would change the title to "This is the Church Which Christ is Building." Forget the "Local" bit!
By the way. He's one of my favourite pastors as well.
Thanks Paul. Could not have received this at a better time. This is an excellent reminder for reflection.
I've been away in a conference. Thank you BOTH for your comments.
I find the twenty characteristics can also be a useful guide when trying to develop any other form of 'Ideal Relationship'.
We need to apply our minds to the matter because success doesn't come naturally to all of us.
I might add..."any of us." ;)
So true; so true, Paul ! We have to work at it.
And, "God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us". (Romans 5:5)
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